Biomedical Image Guidance - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University
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Biomedical Image Guidance
Our research into the guidance of biomedical tools applies novel optics and computer vision algorithms to the design and real-time analysis of biomedical imaging modalities such as OCT and ultrasound.

The Biomedical Image Guidance (BIG) Lab conducts research in biomedical optics, image analysis, and visualization, especially for intraoperative guidance and also for diagnosis. We use computer vision to assist human placement of biomedical scanners, and we use novel visualization of biomedical images to better guide human manipulation of tools. Applications are wide-ranging, from computer-vision for tracking ultrasound probes in anatomical coordinates to real-time microsurgical guidance systems utilizing autonomous image analysis and augmented-reality visualization of optical coherence tomography, coupled with psychophysics analysis of human perception and action when working under magnification.

Displaying 15 Publications

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