Navlab 5 - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University
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Navlab 5

Most famous for the No Hands Across America Navlab 5 USA tour in July 1995. During this tour of America, which was sponsored by Delco Electronics, AssistWare Technology, and Carnegie Mellon University, two researcher from CMU’s Robotics Institute “drove” from Pittsburgh, PA to San Diego, CA using the RALPH computer program. RALPH (Rapidly Adapting Lateral Position Handler) uses video images to determine the location of the road ahead and the appropriate steering direction to keep the vehicle on the road. (The researchers handled the throttle and brake.) More information about the vehicle, the trip, and the Navlab Project in general is already on line.


Field Robotics

past past

  • Jeremy Armstrong
  • Bala Kumar
  • Dean Pomerleau

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