Safe Interactive Industrial Robots using Jerk-based Safe Set Algorithm - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Safe Interactive Industrial Robots using Jerk-based Safe Set Algorithm

Conference Paper, Proceedings of International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA '22), July, 2022


The need to increase the flexibility of production lines is calling for robots to collaborate with human workers. However, existing interactive industrial robots only guarantee intrinsic safety (reduce collision impact), but not interactive safety (collision avoidance), which greatly limited their flexibility. The issue arises from two limitations in existing control software for industrial robots: 1) lack of support for real-time trajectory modification; 2) lack of intelligent safe control algorithms with guaranteed collision avoidance under robot dynamics constraints. To address the first issue, a jerk-bounded position controller (JPC) was developed previously. This paper addresses the second limitation, on top of the JPC. Specifically, we introduce a jerk-based safe set algorithm (JSSA) to ensure collision avoidance while considering the robot dynamics constraints. The JSSA greatly extends the scope of the original safe set algorithm, which has only been applied for second-order systems with unbounded accelerations. The JSSA is implemented on the FANUC LR Mate 200id/7L robot and validated with HRI tasks. Experiments show that the JSSA can consistently keep the robot at a safe distance from the human while executing the designated task.


author = {Ruixuan Liu and Rui Chen and Changliu Liu},
title = {Safe Interactive Industrial Robots using Jerk-based Safe Set Algorithm},
booktitle = {Proceedings of International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA '22)},
year = {2022},
month = {July},