Amelia - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University


Reid Simmons, Sebastian Thrun, Greg Armstrong, R. Goodwin, K. Haigh, S. Koenig, Shyjan Mahamud, Daniel Nikovski, and Joseph O'Sullivan
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 13th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and 8th Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference (AAAI '96/IAAI '96): Robot Competition & Exhibition Abstracts, pp. 1358, August, 1996


Amelia was built by Real World Interface (RWI) using Xavier-a mobile robot platform developed at CMU on a B24 base from RWI-as a prototype. Amelia has substantial engineering improvements over Xavier. Amelia is built on a B21 base. It has a top speed of 32 inches per second, while improved integral dead-reckoning insures extremely accurate drive and position controls.


author = {Reid Simmons and Sebastian Thrun and Greg Armstrong and R. Goodwin and K. Haigh and S. Koenig and Shyjan Mahamud and Daniel Nikovski and Joseph O'Sullivan},
title = {Amelia},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 13th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and 8th Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference (AAAI '96/IAAI '96): Robot Competition & Exhibition Abstracts},
year = {1996},
month = {August},
pages = {1358},