Gyrover - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University
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Gyrover is a single-wheel robot that is stabilized and steered by means of an internal, mechanical gyroscope. Gyrover can stand and turn in place, move deliberately at low speed, climb moderate grades, and move stably on rough terrain at high speeds. [animated gif] It has a relatively large rolling diameter which facilitates motion over rough terrain; a single track and narrow profile for obstacle avoidance; and is completely enclosed for protection from the environment. We are presently developing a 4th generation version of Gyrover that has improved control torque, better stability and longer run time.

Gyrover Movies

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Displaying 9 Publications

past staff

  • Randy Casciola
  • Enrique Ferreira
  • Chris Paredis
  • Yangsheng Xu

past contact

  • Thomas Gordon