Traces - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University


Portrait of Traces
This Project is no longer active.

The focus is real-time spatial/bodily interaction between distant participants via real-time 3D image (and sound) traces. In “Traces”, each CAVE will use multi-camera machine vision to build real-time body models of participants. These body-models will then be used to generate abstracted graphical bodily traces in the other CAVEs where a person may be represented as a moving ghostlike transparent and wispy trace.

My goal is to build a system with which the user can communicate kinesthetically, where the system come closer to the native sensibilities of the human, rather than the human being required to adopt a system of abstracted and conventionalised signals (buttons, mouse clicks, command line interface…) in order to input data to the system.

The first public presentation of Traces was at Ars Electronica 99.

current staff

past head

  • Simon G Penny

past staff

  • Jamieson Schulte

past contact

  • Simon G Penny