Scheduling and Visualization - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Scheduling and Visualization

Portrait of Scheduling and Visualization
Associated Lab: Intelligent Coordination and Logistics Laboratory
This Project is no longer active.

This project is investigating the development of next-generation environments for collaborative analysis and management of large-scale schedules. Graphic visualization is adopted as the principal modality for user-system interaction, with particular emphasis on integrating data exploration and analysis capabilities into the iterative scheduling process.

In collaboration with Maya Design Group, we have developed an initial vision of such a collaborative scheduling environment. “Ditops-Visage” is an advanced system for development and management of complex transportation schedules. Users utilize advanced data exploration and visualization tools (Visage) to interpret scheduler results, assess implications with respect to other, external data sources and planning perspectives, and to focus (re)scheduling actions. An incremental reactive scheduler (Ditops) provides flexible schedule revision and (re)optimization capabilities for responding to user inputs. A demonstration of the integrated Ditops-Visage prototype showing a deployment re-planning scenario has been developed for DARPA’s JFACC program.

current head

current contact

past staff

  • Marcel Becker
  • Mark Derthick
  • John Kolojejchick
  • Joseph Mattis
  • Steven F Roth