Integrated Process Planning/Production Scheduling - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Integrated Process Planning/Production Scheduling

Portrait of Integrated Process Planning/Production Scheduling
Associated Lab: Intelligent Coordination and Logistics Laboratory
This Project is no longer active.

As manufacturing companies increase the level of customization in their product offerings, move towards smaller lot production, and experiment with more flexible customer/supplier arrangements such as those made possible by EDI/Electronic Commerce, they increasingly require the ability to respond quickly, accurately and competitively to customer requests for bids on new products and efficiently work out supplier/subcontractor arrangements for these new products. This in turn requires the ability to rapidly convert standard-based product specifications into process plans and integrate new orders with their process plans into existing production schedules across the supply chain.

The IP3S shell emphasizes blackboard-based support for a broad range of mixed-initiative and workflow management functionalities for agile manufacturing. IP3S has been customized for a Raytheon machine shop where 50% of incoming orders require the generation or revision of process plans and coordination with a tool shop. Experiments with IP3S show an average performance improvement of 23% in solution quality over a more traditional, decoupled approach to building process planning/production scheduling solutions in this environment.

Displaying 3 Publications

past head

  • Norman Sadeh-Koniecpol

past staff

  • David W Hildum
  • Dag Kjenstad
  • Allen Tseng