Fine Motion Planner - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Fine Motion Planner

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Associated Lab: Rapid Manufacturing Lab
This Project is no longer active.

The fine motion planner computes a sequence of moves such that the partially bent-up part can be successfully unloaded from the bending machine, while satisfying the following conditions:

  1. The part should not collide with any part of the tool during the entire sequence of moves.
  2. The robot should stay within its kinematic limits during the execution of the fine motion plan.
  3. The planner should generate a detailed sequence of robot moves which can be executed by the robot.
  4. The fine motion computation time needs to be really low, since fine motion feasibility is tested whenever any node is expanded during the bend sequence search process.

current head

past staff

  • S S Krishnan

past contact

  • S S Krishnan