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MSR Thesis Defense


Zhizhuo Zhou MSR Student Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University
Wednesday, July 12
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
NSH 1305
MSR Thesis Talk: Zhizhu Zhao

Title: Distilling View-conditioned Diffusion for 3D Reconstruction

We propose a 3D neural mode-seeking formulation that combines probabilistic generation of unseen regions with faithful reprojection of seen regions in a consistent 3D representation. Feature reprojection methods (NerFormer, PixelNeRF) are 3D consistent, but fail to hallucinate unseen regions. Image generation methods (ViewFormer) generate plausible hallucinations, but generated views are not 3D consistent. We generate realistic and consistent 3D using just two images.

Prof. Shubham Tulsiani (advisor)
Prof. Jun-Yan Zhu

Prof. Deva Ramanan
Jason Zhang