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MSR Thesis Defense


Gaoyue Zhou MSR Student Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University
Friday, July 21
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
NSH 1305
MSR Thesis Talk: Gaoyue Zhou

Title: On Generalization and Benchmarking on Physical Robots



Robotics research has seen significant advancements; however, the field remains predominantly demo-driven, making direct comparisons between methods difficult without replicating them on individual setups. While many simulation benchmarks exist, they usually feature contrived datasets and do not accurately reflect real-world performance. In my thesis, we address these challenges by proposing a more realistic data assumption for physical robots. We evaluate the generalization capabilities of offline reinforcement learning and imitation learning methods within this framework. We also introduce an initiative towards establishing a real-robot benchmark. Initial results from the benchmark and the launch of a NeurIPS competition highlight the feasibility of such systems.



Prof. Abhinav Gupta (advisor)

Prof. David Held

Sudeep Dasari

ZOOM Link: https://cmu.zoom.us/j/5010856764