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PhD Speaking Qualifier


Ziyan Wang PhD Student Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University
Monday, May 17
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Learning Compositional Radiance Fields of Dynamic Human Heads

Meeting ID: 942 4671 0665
Passcode: jkhzoom

Photorealistic rendering of dynamic humans is an important capability for telepresence systems. Recently, neural rendering methods have been developed to create high-fidelity models of humans and objects. Some of these methods do not produce results with high-enough fidelity for driveable human models (Neural Volumes) whereas others have extremely long rendering times (NeRF). In this work, we propose a novel compositional 3D representation that combines the best of previous methods to produce both higher-resolution and faster results. Our representation bridges the gap between discrete and continuous volumetric representations by combining a coarse 3D-structure-aware grid of animation codes with a continuous learned scene function that maps every position and its corresponding local animation code to a view-dependent emitted radiance and local volume density. Differentiable volume rendering is employed to compute photo-realistic novel views of the human head and upper body as well as to train our novel representation end-to-end using only 2D supervision. In addition, we show that the learned dynamic radiance field can be used to synthesize novel unseen expressions based on a global animation code. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method can achieve higher fidelity photorealistic rendering and improved capacity on fitting videos compared to previous work.

Research Qualifier Committee:
Jessica Hodgins (advisor)
Jun-Yan Zhu
Matthew O’Toole
Chaoyang Wang