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VASC Seminar


Yuxin Wu Research Engineer Facebook AI Research
Monday, April 13
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Detectron2 in Object Detection Research

Virtual VASC:  https://cmu.zoom.us/j/249106600


Abstract:  Detectron2 is Facebook’s library for object detection and segmentation. It has been used widely in FAIR’s research and Facebook’s products. This talk will introduce detectron2 with a focus on its use in object detection research, including the lessons we learned from building it, as well as the new research enabled by it.


BIO:  Yuxin Wu works at Facebook AI Research since 2017. Previously he obtained his Master’s degree in computer vision at Carnegie Mellon University. His research interest lies in the area of visual representation learning and deep learning systems. He is a recipient of the best paper honorable mention award in ECCV 2018.


Speaker Homepage:  http://ppwwyyxx.com/