Shape Deposition Manufacturing of Wearable Computers - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Shape Deposition Manufacturing of Wearable Computers

Lee Weiss, Eugene Neplotnik, Fritz B. Prinz, Lawrence Schultz, P Padmanabhan, R. Krishnan, and R. Merz
Conference Paper, Proceedings of International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, August, 1996


Shape Deposition Manufacturing (SDM) is a solid freefrom fabrication methodology which can fabricate heterogeneous structures, i.e., multi-material structures with embedded components. One application is to build-up electromechanical devices such as conformally shaped computer packages with embedded electronics. The goal is to be able to quickly design and manufacture, in small lots, personalized, rugged units for specialized applications. One example, which is described in this paper, is the manufacture of an underwater computer, the 'Frogman', which is built-up in layers of polyurethane.


author = {Lee Weiss and Eugene Neplotnik and Fritz B. Prinz and Lawrence Schultz and P Padmanabhan and R. Krishnan and R. Merz},
title = {Shape Deposition Manufacturing of Wearable Computers},
booktitle = {Proceedings of International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium},
year = {1996},
month = {August},