Robust swing leg controller under large disturbances - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Robust swing leg controller under large disturbances

Miscellaneous, US Patent 9,603,724, August, 2014


Local swing leg control was developed that takes advantage of segment interactions to achieve robust leg placement under large disturbances while generating trajectories and joint torque patterns similar to those observed in human walking and running. The results suggest the identified control as a powerful alternative to existing swing leg controls in humanoid and rehabilitation robotics. Alternatively, a detailed neuromuscular model of the human swing leg was developed to embody the control with local muscle reflexes. The resulting reflex control robustly places the swing leg into a wide range of landing points observed in human walking and running, and it generates similar patterns of joint torques and muscle activations. The results suggest an alternative to existing swing leg controls in humanoid and rehabilitation robotics which does not require central processing.


author = {Ruta Desai and Hartmut Geyer},
title = {Robust swing leg controller under large disturbances},
booktitle = {US Patent 9,603,724},
month = {August},
year = {2014},