From Robotic Juggling to Robotic Parts Feeding - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

From Robotic Juggling to Robotic Parts Feeding

Workshop Paper, 9th Yale Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Systems, June, 1996


This paper describes our recent work on robotic manipulation using a robot with just one motor. The drift field provided by gravity can serve as an uncontrolled motor to allow a single-motor robot to throw objects to itself, a simple type of robotic juggling. Similarly, the drift field provided by a conveyor belt can serve as an uncontrolled motor to allow a single-motor robot to feed parts in an automated manufacturing context. This paper sketches the principles of very simple manipulators, and describes our recent theoretical and experimental results.


author = {Srinivas Akella and Wesley Huang and Kevin Lynch and Matthew T. Mason},
title = {From Robotic Juggling to Robotic Parts Feeding},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 9th Yale Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Systems},
year = {1996},
month = {June},