Frameless Patient Registration Using Ultrasonic Imaging - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Frameless Patient Registration Using Ultrasonic Imaging

Conference Paper, Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery (MRCAS '94), pp. 74 - 82, September, 1994
Also published in the Wiley Journal of Image Guided Surgery, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 94-102, 1995.


author = {Thomas Ault},
title = {Frameless Patient Registration Using Ultrasonic Imaging},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery (MRCAS '94)},
year = {1994},
month = {September},
pages = {74 - 82},