Flow Separation for Stereo Visual Odometry - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Flow Separation for Stereo Visual Odometry

Frank Dellaert, Michael Kaess, and Kai Ni
Miscellaneous, US Patent Application US12900581, October, 2010


In a method for determining a translation and a rotation of a platform, at least a first frame and a previous frame are generated. Points are matched between images generated by two stereoscopic sensors. Points are matched to corresponding stereo feature matches between two frames, thereby generating a set of putative matches. Putative matches that are nearer to the platform than a threshold are categorized as near features. Putative matches that are farther to the platform than the threshold are categorized as distance features. The rotation of the platform is determined by measuring a positional change in two of the distant features. The translation of the platform is determined by compensating one of the near features for the rotation and then measuring a change in one of the near features measured between the first frame and the second frame.


author = {Frank Dellaert and Michael Kaess and Kai Ni},
title = {Flow Separation for Stereo Visual Odometry},
booktitle = {US Patent Application US12900581},
month = {October},
year = {2010},