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MSR Speaking Qualifier


Dennis Melamed Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University
Friday, June 25
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
MSR Thesis Talk: Dennis Melamed

Title: Learnable Spatio-Temporal Map Embeddings for Deep Inertial Localization

Pedestrian localization systems often fuse inertial odometry with map information via hand-defined methods to reduce odometry drift, but such methods are sensitive to noise and struggle to generalize across odometry sources. To address the robustness problem in map utilization, we propose a system that forms a data-driven prior on possible user locations in a map by combining learned spatial map and temporal odometry embeddings. Our prior learns to encode which map regions are feasible locations for a user more accurately than previous hand-defined methods. This prior leads to a 49\% improvement in inertial-only localization accuracy when used in a particle filter, approaching the performance of bluetooth beacon-based absolute positioning. To show the generalizability of our method, we also show similar improvements using wheel encoder odometry instead of inertial odometry.

Prof. Kris Kitani (advisor)
Prof. Michael Kaess
Sudharshan Suresh