
The world's first doctoral program in robotics teaches graduate students to be tomorrow's leaders in robotics research.

A 24-month master's program that teaches the fundamentals of robotics theory and practice through coursework and independent research.

Underground Robot Lighting Test

A 21-month advanced graduate degree designed for those who wish to find success in the robotics and automation field as practitioners in the commercial sector. It focuses on both technical and business skills.

A 16-month master's program that teaches the fundamentals of computer vision theory to prepare students for careers in industry.


Program Structure Duration Focus Placement
PhD Coursework, Qualifiers, Research, Dissertation 5-6 years Basic & Applied Research Academia, Research Lab
MSR Coursework, Research, Thesis 24 months Applied Research Research Lab
MRSD Coursework, Group Project 21 months Systems Development and Automation Industry, Applied Lab
MSCV Coursework, Group Project 16 months Vision: Recognition, Geometry Industry, Applied Lab